Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier:

“In a more traditional sense Goux also depicts the skateboarding elements of the book with a fluid motion and switches between busy, intricately panelled pages to larger double-paged spreads to emphasise moments of emotional resonance. (If you ever want proof positive as to why the digital-only champions’ demands for an end to double-page spreads are so fundamentally wrong then this book makes the case with a beautiful eloquence). In an afterword Baker talks about the reasons for reversing the traditional writer-artist credits order for the book to list Goux first and, in addition to the preceding discussion about the book’s art, there’s absolutely no argument that Goux’s visual characterisation defines the cast as much as their verbalised personalities.

F*ck Off Squad brings us into the lives of its three central characters with an insightful empathy. They are flawed, they’re not always likeable and they make mistakes. In fact they’re as much a Fuck Up Squad as they are a Fuck Off Squad. And yet they’re sympathetic throughout because because that’s what teenagers do… they fuck up… and in this carefully realised world we not only see ourselves in Jimmy, Megan and Clark but are reminded of the uncertainties and tribulations of our own teen years. An extraordinary collaboration between Goux and Baker and yet another reminder as to exactly why Silver Sprocket are one of the most exciting publishers on the current indie/alt scene.”

Read the full review on Broken Frontier’s website here!