Perrin Grauer, Emily Carr University of Art + Design:

“A new illustrated book from artist and MFA student Sophia Zarders spotlights trans, non-binary and woman comedians.

Like much of Sophia’s work, You’re Funny For A…: The Illustrated Guide to Trans Comedians, Non-Binary Comics and Funny Women is both lighthearted and resolute.

“I wanted to highlight people who were not getting the recognition they deserved because they were from marginalized communities,” Sophia tells me from their current home in Vancouver.

“And comedy has always been a huge inspiration in my work. Humour is super important. It’s a great lens to look at the world through and to look at politics and social hierarchies.”

Praise from the book’s readers has been passionately supportive.”

Read the full interview on Emily Carr University of Art + Design‘s website here!