Reglar Wiglar Magazine:

RW: Your 100 Columns for Razorcake book came out last year. It’s a collection of columns you did for the magazine from 2003 to 2022. Was drawing a monthly column/comic harder or easier than a daily comic?

BS: Way, way harder. With the daily comic, I only have one goal: to answer the question “what did you do today?” That is super easy to come up with every day. Even if it’s boring, I can always answer that question. For the Razorcake comics, I always had to have a specific theme or tell a story or something. There were so many times when a deadline was approaching and I just had absolutely no ideas, and I’d end up phoning in some stupid shit. I really call myself out in the liner notes of the book. But honestly, that stress of having to come up with an idea in time to meet a hard deadline is one of the main reasons I quit doing those. ”

Read the full interview on Reglar Wiglar’s website here!