Four Color Apocalypse:

“All told, then, I was pleasantly surprised and reasonably impressed by THE CHROMATIC FANTASY. It’s easy to brush off light-hearted adventure fare, but there’s more than enough by way of Wildean excess and well-communicated internal struggle here to separate this from the pack (and kudos to publisher Silver Sprocket for giving the book an aesthetically complementary presentation, with gilded-edge pages and all), a swell as to mark HA as a talent worth keeping an eye on. I’m STILL too old for this shit, it’s true, but it’s heartening to know that there are cartoonists doing skillful and imaginative work in parts of the comics world that I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to. If cute genre stories are your bag, you’ll probably REALLY dig this book — and even if they’re not, it’s plain to see that enough heart and thought went into this one that it’s able command the attention of a tourist passing through like myself. The future may just be in good hands after all.”

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