RJ Casey, The Comics Journal:

“The majority of this book feels like show-off cartooning, which comics needs a little more of these days. Fox packs the pages with intricate borders, inset panels and a setting of bubbling poisoned vegetation. Luckily for the reader, the character designs are so specific and deft that no one gets overpowered by the trippy trees and bravado page layouts. Back to the story, as Starman serves as a one-wish genie making it so Sydney’s desire for Laurelie is no longer unrequited, but also Laurelie must rely solely on Sydney to live and function. In a very traditional Tragedy sense, things go downhill. Prokaryote Season, in its Shakespearean biospheric whirlpool, expounds earnestly on power and ownership over friends, lovers and the clump of cells that make up your own body.”

Read the full review on The Comics Journal’s website here!