Comics Grinder:

“Cash is showing us once again that she is in it for the long haul. She’s a born storyteller spinning yarns with a seemingly effortless abandon about travel, relationships, sexuality and just being a human being. It doesn’t matter, in the big picture, really, if you’re gay, bi, or whatever. What really matters is that you have something to say and you express it, which is what Cash does so well. This issue is playfully numbered as #1 but that’s significant. I think it’s safe to say that this is a nice pause, a chance to say hello again, while at the same time continuing to celebrate her wonderfully uninhibited comics. There will be nods to the giants from time to time. Yes, Cash is walking down the same path of such greats as R. Crumb, Julie Doucet and Daniel Clowes and she can rest assured that she is leaving behind her own distinctive footprints.”

Read the full review on Comics Grinder’s website here!