all i want is for all the cats to love me the best

2016-02-09T02:02:46-08:00Aug 6, 2014|News|

New shirts with Nation Of Amanda art! Get ‘em in the brand new Silver Sprocket store upgrade (that should all be working but please let us know if anything is weird). And a creepy video here. 

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Aug 6, 2014|News|

Check out this video of our field trip to “Caturday! Take Your Cat to the Park” last weekend with Nation Of Amanda’s brand new “I Want All Of The Cats To Love Me The Best” shirts.Buy one on the new Silver Sprocket store-thing.(Source:

2016-02-09T02:37:20-08:00Dec 17, 2013|News|

How you decorate your house sends a message to all who enter and that message should be an endless and defending parade of meows and mrows. Were practically GIVING these screen-prints away! (Art by Nation of Amanda. Proceeds go to Nation of Amanda and Saint Spray’s home for wayward motorcycle dads)

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