
New Feminist patches by Sarah Duyer

2016-05-20T08:28:15-07:00Jan 25, 2016|News|

Does your patch jacket have a🔥burning🔥 need for more feminism?? Sarah Duyer designed these rad new canvas patches, get them online now at store.silversprocket.net/patches, only $4🔥🔥

2016-02-09T02:01:07-08:00Aug 25, 2014|News|

Damn the man and kick-flip his head off! This drawing by Liz Suburbia is called Organized Sports. We made 50 screen-prints (18x24 inches) along with patches and stickers that you can [order here from Silver Sprocket]. You should also read Suburbia’s comics in our very own As You Were #1 and #3, and her Sacred Heart web-comic that Fantagraphics is publishing into a graphic novel [...]

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