Nation of Amanda

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Aug 6, 2014|News|

Check out this video of our field trip to “Caturday! Take Your Cat to the Park” last weekend with Nation Of Amanda’s brand new “I Want All Of The Cats To Love Me The Best” shirts.Buy one on the new Silver Sprocket store-thing.(Source:

2016-02-09T02:07:52-08:00Jul 8, 2014|News|

We just got all the sizes of Nation Of Amanda’s “Nap All Day, Sleep All Night, Party Never” sloth shirts back in stock in case you want something comfy for napping in. [order online]. Cause we’re dumb, we also made a dozen black ones.

2016-02-09T02:11:35-08:00May 13, 2014|News|

Nation Of Amanda’s “Nap All Day, Sleep All Night, Party Never” stickers are back in stock. Shirts and patches too.Get em here: 

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 21, 2014|News|

Here’s the other side of our fence on Valencia Street.  Left to right: 1. “House Shows” by Liz Suburbia, from the pages of As You Were #1, and screen-prints.2. An untitled piece we’ve been calling “Make Me Feel…” by DW that we have on patches and stickers3. “Nap All Day, Sleep All Night, Party Never” sloth by Nation Of Amanda, on shirts, stickers, patches [...]

2016-02-09T02:37:19-08:00Dec 17, 2013|News|

This Sloth has really got this life thing on lock-down, man. Its like Kierkegaard said “Yeah, whatever. Fuck it.” Why go outside? Do you know what is out there? Probably a snake. BUY THE ORIGINAL NAP ALL DAY SLEEP ALL NIGHT PARTY NEVER SCREEN-PRINT BEFORE SOME ETSY-CORE JABRONIES STEAL IT! (Art by Nation of Amanda. Buy one so she can get enough money to [...]

2016-02-09T02:37:20-08:00Dec 17, 2013|News|

How you decorate your house sends a message to all who enter and that message should be an endless and defending parade of meows and mrows. Were practically GIVING these screen-prints away! (Art by Nation of Amanda. Proceeds go to Nation of Amanda and Saint Spray’s home for wayward motorcycle dads)

2016-02-09T02:37:21-08:00Dec 17, 2013|News|

A TOAST! A TOAST TO THIS SCREEN-PRINT! *clinks glass against laptop screen* Treat yo'self (Drawn by our homie for life Nation of Amanda. Buy one and make her rich so she can forget about us little people.)

2016-02-09T02:37:54-08:00Dec 12, 2013|News|

With intense excitement we now present our first set of screen-prints centered on epic art without a band connection with works from some of our favorite artists in the punk scene – Nation of Amanda, Liz Suburbia, Will Laren, and Andy Warner, and a bonus xmas card by Ferin Fick. This is a brand new thing for us, and I hope these are well received as [...]

2016-02-09T02:38:36-08:00Oct 23, 2013|News|

living dreaming the dream

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