Jim Kettner

Interview with Jim Kettner

2016-10-27T00:55:12-07:00Mar 16, 2016|Features|

Jim Kettner's contribution to As You Were: Living Situations provides readers with a glimpse of life at the infamous Philly punk house Book House. But these days, Kettnerd calls Portland his home. Read more to find out about his recent nuptials and forthcoming book, tips for giving your punk house a good name, and what exactly a "cool bag" is.

Interview with Jim Kettner

2016-10-27T00:55:17-07:00Dec 15, 2014|Features|

A lot of artists got their start with drawing in their younger years, and our pal Jim Kettner is no exception. But what many artists don’t do is consider themselves writers, at least, not in the traditional sense. For Kettner, however, drawing and storytelling have always gone hand in hand, as he finds inspiration in both the art and words of others.

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