San Francisco Zine Fest was a blast last weekend!

Thanks for keeping us way to busy to take pictures, but thanks Mel for capturing this pre-chaos snapshot and not getting mad about being shot at with rubber bands all day.

Sorry to everyone who got a haircut (or handfuls of hair), or who had to interact with us after we started breaking rules.

We sold out of Liz Suburbia’s new Sacred Heart and Gina Wynbrandt’s Big Pussy about halfway through the day, but they’re back in stock on our mail-order [right here] if ya still want one! (you do)

Being a single-day show, it was to busy for breaks to check out the other tables (bummer!), but we still came away with quite the haul:


and hangouts with As You Were contributors Sam Grindberg, Josh PM Frees, Andy Warner, Mel, Rachel Dukes and Carolina Porras, and SO MANY BUDS at other tables and hanging out that I won’t list any for fear of forgetting to list someone.
This is one of our favorite events of the year, see you next time!