
About avi

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So far avi has created 909 blog entries.

Art From GIRLS by Jenn Woodall Available Today

2018-02-12T12:17:53-08:00Feb 12, 2018|Features, News|

Thank you for attending our art opening for GIRLS by Jenn Woodall, a goddamn delightful gathering of favorite buds and supporters last Saturday at our Haight St clubhouse. Now that we've taken our naps, remaining Risograph prints will be available for purchase in our online shop starting today at 2pm PST.

Retailer Feature: Books with Pictures

2024-01-17T10:41:11-08:00Jan 31, 2018|Features, Retailer Features|

Our comics get out into the world through a network of fresh-to-death indie comic shops. Let us tell you about them! This is week we're talking to Katie Proctor, owner of Books with Pictures in Portland, OR. Katie's been running her aggressively inclusive shop & repping our wares since June 2016. Tell us a bit about your shop Our tagline is Comics for Everyone: [...]

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