New Michael Sweater and Rachel Dukes graphic novels coming soon from Oni Press
Fantasy wizerd adventure quests and cats
Fantasy wizerd adventure quests and cats
Of sunbeams, shadows and steam
We'll be at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD, all weekend (table M1) with Ben Passmore and Michael Sweater.
Silver Sprocket will be at the Small Press Expo, Sept 17-18 in Bethesda, Maryland with new thrash from Ben Passmore, Jenn Woodall, Liz Suburbia, Michael Sweater, The Degenderettes, and definitely not any secret hotel-room tattoos. Table #M1
The San Francisco Zine Fest is this Sunday in Golden Gate Park. It’s FREE ADMISSION with hundreds of the most exciting DIY comic and zine creators presenting their latest. Find us at Silver Sprocket table 233-236 with Rachel Dukes and Andy Warner. There will be NO FUCKING HAIRCUTS this year. Someone bring a pinata full of pancake mix.
“Skin A Catcaller” by Rachel Dukes on patches and stickers, from The #Degenderettes art zine. “If You Can’t Smash It Set It On Fire” patches by God Bless Generica. “I Have Beer, and always shall be your friend” stickers by Ben Snakepit. And.. Oh my Glob! Scream-printed some MAR CEL INE patches and stickers. Don't tell the Banana Guards. (Subhumans are cool though)
All of our As You Were contributors keep busy with multiple artistic projects, and Rachel Dukes of Mixtape Comics is no exception. To learn more about her cat, find out what it's like working for BOOM! Studios, and get the details on Dukes' forthcoming graphic novel, keep reading.
Check out Anarcho-Geek Review’s interview with Ion O'Clast about their “No Gods, No Dungeon Masters” comic. Our narrator states that these “subcultures don’t have a lot of overlap, but I do.” Which is probably a statement that the readers of this site will agree with. But I have to wonder. The majority of anarchists I know are geeks of one variety or another. Is it more [...]