We’re welcoming six essential comics to your world this spring from heroes Isabella Rotman, James the Stanton, Jenn Woodall, Liz Prince, Nation of Amanda, Rachel Dukes and Io.
Pre-order the full set this week and we’ll give you a free t-shirt or tote-bag with new “Silver Sprocket Follow Your Bliss” artwork by Michael Sweater:

Be Your Own Backing Band by Liz Prince
From the creator of Alone Forever, Tomboy, and Will You Still Love Me If I Wet The Bed?, comes a collection of comics about life through a punk-rock lens.
Often humorous, sometimes poignant, and almost always embarrassing, these autobiographical stories are an essential addition to your LIZ-brary. Enjoy!
Soft-cover, 64 b&w pages, 7″ x 9″
$10; SILVER #070; ISBN: 978-1-945509-06-3

Coady and the Creepies #1 by Liz Prince and Nation of Amanda
Exclusive Silver Sprocket variant cover by Mitch Clem, limited to 1,000 copies
(32 pages, full color comic book with Boom! Studios)
Punk isn’t dead…but Coady is.Coady, Criss, and Corey are sisters and bandmates in the band The Creepies. After a van accident leaves Corey badly scarred and Criss in a wheelchair, they’re getting back into the punk scene.But they still need to contend with the challenges of staying true to their punk ideals, while also dealing with the media attention they’ve attracted, as well as the tension surrounding the fact that Coady escaped the accident seemingly unscathed.Now on tour, they’re fighting their way through the (sometimes literal) battle of the bands, earning enamel pins, and heading for the gig of their lives…so long as no one realizes that Coady is actually a ghost.

GIRLS by Jenn Woodall
Fierce illustrations of badass femmes, including “You have been catcalled, What Do You Do? Kill. Kill. Kill.”
Collecting the best drawings from Jenn’s self-released GIRLS art-books along with new illustrations.
full-color, 40 pages, 7.1″ x 5.5″, saddle-stitched
ISBN: 978-1-945509-13-1; SILVER #076; srp: $10

No Gods. No Dungeon Masters. written by Io, illustrated by Rachel Dukes, cover by Andy Warner, colors by Hannah Fisher and Rachel Dukes
An analysis of multi-classing between anarchist and nerd identities, No Gods. No Dungeon Masters. provides an adventurous peek into the world of one “un-elected bastard ambassador” for two cultures that rarely overlap.
The full-color comic gorgeously reflects how radical leftist values and geek predilections can inform one another, the struggle to feel comfortable in either community, and how sorcery is real and you can use it to fight cops.
Io and Rachel Dukes deliver a funny and thought-provoking comic sure to be a (critical) hit (get it?) with anarchists and Dungeons & Dragons fans alike.
full-color, 12 pages, 8.5″ x 5.5″, saddle-stitched
ISBN: 978-1-945509-07-0; SILVER #071; srp: $5

Siren School by Isabella Rotman
Isabella Rotman’s Siren School is a funny cathartic read in the age of mansplaining.
A full-color mini-comic course in Sirening 101.
Do it right and men will throw themselves into the sea.
full-color, 24 pages, 5.5″ x 5.5″, saddle-stitched
ISBN: 978-1-945509-10-0; SILVER #074; srp: $5

Squatters of Trash Island by James The Stanton (Gnartoons)
Taste the frothy brine of the Pacific Ocean alongside the hardscrabble band of degenerate squatters who inhabit it’s plentiful trash islands.
Gnartoons creator James the Stanton brings you out to the Great Pacific Trash Vortex to see for yourself, who are these garbage dwellers and what are they having for dinner?
As if we needed further proof that God definitely exists and is a low down dirty boy, Squatters of Trash Island proves again that we’re made in his stinky image.
Full-color, 20 pages, 8.5″ x 5.5″, saddle-stitched
ISBN: 978-1-945509-08-7; SILVER #072; srp: $6