After a four year recovery, Larry And His Flask presents This Remedy, USA + Europe tours
Have you heard the good word?
Have you heard the good word?
Larry And His Flask are playing headline shows en route to Florida!! Tickets go on sale this Friday at noon so set your alarms and spread the word. March 8 @ Sun Valley Brewery in Hailey ID March 10 @ Marquis Theatre in Denver CO March 11 @ Low Spirits in Albuquerque NM March 12 @ Gas Monkey Dallas in Dallas TX March 15 [...]
Larry And His flask will be touring with their amazing friends Foxy Shazam in May & June!!! Foxy’s fanclub presale starts today at 2 pm EST, otherwise tickets go on sale this Friday and Saturday. TOUR DATES:May 29 in Boston, MA @ The SinclairMay 30 in New York, NY @ Bowery BallroomMay 31 in Philadelphia, PA @ Theatre of the Living ArtsJune 2 in Baltimore, MD @ [...]
Lock up your beard wax, LARRY AND HIS FLASK are heading out on a full USA tour with SCOTT H BIRAM and special guests THE WHISKEY SHIVERS!! Gaze your eyes on this lovely poster by our very own merch-lady extraordinaire Randi Hobbs! March 6: Seattle, WA @ Tractor Tavern March 7: Bellingham, WA @ Wild Buffalo* March 8: Portland, OR @ Hawthorne Theater March [...]
From Dan Ozzi via Noisey Larry and His Flask and Cobra Skulls have a split 7” out next month and it sounds exactly like what would happen if a cobra really did get its hands on a flask. Well, not hands. But you know, whatever it is snakes use to hold onto stuff, like their little snake wallets and the keys to their snake apartments. What we’re saying is, the [...]
How would YOU the consumer like streaming the new Larry and his Flask album while you wait for the LP to get rocketed off to your fingerbones?! Check out this link and come visit us again real soon because the LPs will be here to join their more johnny on the spot CD counterweights any ding dong day now! To preorder the vinyl CLICK [...]
Larry and His Flask - "The Battle for Clear Sight" How would you feel about a preview/warning over what awaits your eardrums once “By the Lamplight” drops in less than a month? Well PASTE just debuted “The Battle for Clear Sight” and you owe it to yourself to take a gander, you deserve this gander, dont you dare believe your unworthy of a gander because you [...]
LARRY AND HIS FLASK NEW ALBUM AND WORLD TOUR! Larry and his Flask, the last great defenders of hootenanny hybrid in temporary autonomous zones are all set to release “By the Lamplight” and we are jumping out of our skeletons excited to be distributing it domestic with team Xtra Mile handling it off North American soil. Lets take a moment to recognize these sleepless [...]