New comic by Janelle Hessig
“Men Are From Mars… Women Need To Stay Off That Space Dick” by Janelle Hessig. Autobiographical comic about internet dates! 10 full-color pages, 5.5" x 8.5", $4
“Men Are From Mars… Women Need To Stay Off That Space Dick” by Janelle Hessig. Autobiographical comic about internet dates! 10 full-color pages, 5.5" x 8.5", $4
Ever wonder what it’s like to be nabbed by the cops during a protest? It’s not a lot of fun! It’s a great learning experience though! Read our new comic, SNATCH AND GRAB’D by Gunk Comics, here for free! It’s part memoir, part cautionary tale.
WILL LAREN has been one of our favorite artists for the last couple years. After having him in As You Were and nabbing some of his art to make our printed catalogs only half-useless, we are pleased as punch to have an excuse to talk to this new world genius as we play our cards in hopes of going hog wild on more projects, drunken texting [...]
We will be presenting beautiful 18x24 inch screen-prints with artwork from Aaron Cometbus and Cannon Dill from our table at the Portland Zine Symposium this weekend. Each design is from a limited printing of 50 pieces, with 10 of each available at the show. We’ve been wanting to come out with these for a while, but were frustrated to discover that mailing them in [...]
SILVER SPROCKET AMBLINGS REPORT AUG-SEP: Yo goofs. After a 1000% comic-con victory we are packing up our trouble bags to get to The Portland Zine Symposium this fucking weekend! If you are up in that part of the country come say words at us, we dont know our booth # so just listen for shrieks, were trying to find flare guns. Also on August [...]