
2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 25, 2014|News|

ishotmyboss: Ben Snakepit appearing in Nova #1? Will he get to play himself in Guardians Of The Galaxy 2? (my friend says Ben should ask for the original art) OK FINEThis Ben POST-combo is going too far and has to be stopped but ISHOTMYBOSS has some theories about Ben Snakepit being in Nova #1, legit or dubious? Hot or not? More importantly, someone tell [...]

2016-02-09T02:15:10-08:00Apr 25, 2014|News|

The suspects in question. Whoa! We have a really good “Ben” themed combo post going. So let’s keep it rolling by revisiting that time we were all sitting around the office, talking about publicity stunts to pull then realized we had a pretty good chance of getting sued by Ben Weasel since he already hated us. So we decided to try fake his death [...]

2016-02-09T02:15:15-08:00Apr 23, 2014|News|

hey nerds, we just got all of Ben Snakepit’s zine’s in stockFollow Ben through his daily life illustrated as 3 comic panel adventures involving beer, weed, work, shows, tour, love, and parties filled with monsters.

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 22, 2014|News|

Aside from being in our As You Were #2 and #3 punk-comics zines, Adrian plays in bands, has comics in Razorcake and possesses the skills to stay fed post-collapse as a punk rock farmer. Read the interview! Ion: How did you get pulled into the mess that is As You Were? Adrian Chi: I got pulled into the beautiful mess that is As You Were by [...]

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 21, 2014|News|

Here’s the other side of our fence on Valencia Street.  Left to right: 1. “House Shows” by Liz Suburbia, from the pages of As You Were #1, and screen-prints.2. An untitled piece we’ve been calling “Make Me Feel…” by DW that we have on patches and stickers3. “Nap All Day, Sleep All Night, Party Never” sloth by Nation Of Amanda, on shirts, stickers, patches [...]

2017-05-03T22:01:59-07:00Apr 21, 2014|News|

If you’re in San Francisco, check out this As You Were #3 preview by Liz Suburbia on the fence outside our secret basement on Valencia Street. Pieces also on display from Lauren Denitzio, Charlotte Drury and Mitch Clem.

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 15, 2014|News|

fistingforlittlegods: these are getting lovingly packed/have some brilliant little stories and art and I am excited for you pre-order folks.

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 10, 2014|News|

iloveyouthisisarobbery: iloveyouthisisarobbery: heya!  i’m headed out on a spring solo tour pretty soon!  here are some shows!  if you’re interested in helping with anything, e-mail me at  if you wanna listen to my music, it’s here: http://spoonboy.bandcamp.comAPRIL10 - WASHINGTON, DC - 7pm @ The Rocketship (1223 Decatur St. NW) w/ Ghost Mice, Bernay’s Propaganda, Gouge Away (fb)11 - NORTHAMPTON, MA - 8pm @ Tenney House [...]

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00Apr 9, 2014|News|

WILL LAREN has been one of our favorite artists for the last couple years. After having him in As You Were and nabbing some of his art to make our printed catalogs only half-useless, we are pleased as punch to have an excuse to talk to this new world genius as we play our cards in hopes of going hog wild on more projects, drunken texting [...]

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