As You Were

Interview with Jed Collins

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Oct 1, 2014|Features|

A quick google of his name provides no useful information whatsoever, so Jed Co. (the artist, not the football guy) had to do all the hard work and fill in the blanks for us. I guess this is how things were done before the Internetz? Read on to get the scoop on Jed’s experiment in not drinking, his drawing routine, and how having a kid makes him cry while watching commercials.

Interview with Jason Oberbichler

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Sep 8, 2014|Features|

While researching for the interview, I tried to get a handle on Jason through his bio in the back of As You Were, but those of you who own it know he just HAD to be the funny one and only talk about Gilmore Girls. Read on to see this Aussie drungo live to regret it.

Interview with Evan Wolff

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Sep 4, 2014|Features|

Well, it took a lot of palm greasing, but we finally got Evan “The Best Thing We Got Out Of The Moon Landing” Wolff in the hot seat, where he took time out of his schedule of doing every art ever to give us the deets, lowdown, and scoop, respectively. Read on to find out more about Evan’s art and music and thoughts on Dracula.

Interview with Brian Connolly

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Aug 25, 2014|Features|

NOTHING MATTRESS is one of the most dedicated punx comics out there, and Brian Connolly churns these babies out on a timeline so disproportionate to their elaborateness that he can’t help but command a respectful head nod. From punx griping to autobiographical vagary to astral plane nightmare town, these comics come out so quickly you’d think he was on drugs or something. We caught up with Brian in his Sepia-tone shanty town in the former Neverland Ranch to try and get the scoop.

Liz Suburbia announces new book with Fantagraphics

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Aug 7, 2014|News|

Liz Suburbia’s center spread from As You Were #1 made you freak out and demand screen-prints of it (good call). Bitch Magazine then gave us a shout-out on behalf of El Sub’s chops (probably because of the awesome female characters and sex positivity in her art) in As You Were #3. At ComicCon last week, Fantagraphics (one of the most important comix and graphic [...]

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