As You Were

Liz Prince: total badass

2016-10-27T00:55:18-07:00Aug 4, 2014|News|

Liz Prince’s work appears in all three of our As You Were punk-comix zines, which means that—as you probs already know—she’s not only a total badass, but also really busy churning out awesome things on the regular. This time around, her artwork shows up in July's Adventure Time #30 comic book from BOOM! Studios. More than a dozen artists joined forces to make this issue an [...]

Interview with Ben Snakepit

2016-10-27T00:55:19-07:00Jun 24, 2014|Features|

Ben (“Ghazi”) Snakepit is the comic juggernaut of the modern age. Imagine a robot stuck in an infinite loop playing a game of peekaboo with the most enthusiastic infant on planet earth. Now imagine a narrator doing a whole bunch of drugs and developing a run on sentence trying to say how Ben’s daily comics have been a game of chicken between him and his fans to see who gets bored first, and so far, nobody has lost. To have a fan base be genuinely interested in your life from tour stories to the most mundane occurrences shows something is going right. We caught up with Ben in his Malibu beach house to get the scoop. The REAL scoop.

Interview with Ben Sears

2016-10-27T00:55:19-07:00Jun 17, 2014|Features|

We corresponded with Ben one question at a time in accordance with the visitation rules of space-jail, where he is still serving out a sentence for a crime he may or may not have committed.

2016-10-27T00:55:19-07:00May 16, 2014|News|

PUNX SHOULD NEVER CHANGE (AND HERE’S WHY…) Read Ben Snakepit’s comic from As You Were #3 online RIGHT HERE thanks to our buds at Noisey! Ben isn’t on Tumblr but you can add him on FaceBook or read his blog, and we’ve got all his books in the SSBC shop.

Interview with Andy Warner

2016-10-27T00:55:20-07:00May 13, 2014|Features|

Andy Warner comes from the sea, uses his power of comics for journalism, and loves dealing with our bullshit. It’s about time you knew the truth. He’s also a giant.

Irene #4

2016-10-27T00:55:20-07:00May 9, 2014|News|

irenecomics: Announcing the release of Irene 4 on Saturday, May 10th at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival! But if you can’t make it to Toronto, you can pre-order your copy online right now! Or better yet, for a super limited time, get your hands on both Irene 3 and Irene 4 with our discounted combo pack! Irene is a critically acclaimed biannual comics and art anthology founded and edited by dw, Andy [...]

2016-10-27T00:55:20-07:00May 6, 2014|News|

EXTRA EXTRA, Andra Passen lives in Brooklyn, makes comics, and worries too much. Read all about it! […]

2016-10-27T00:55:21-07:00May 2, 2014|News|

We got another shout-out in USA Today’s “Pop Candy” blog. Weird, rad!

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